

Multiplicative and Verifiably Multiplicative Secret Sharing for Multipartite Adversary Structures

d-Multiplicative secret sharing enables n players to locally compute additive shares of the product of d secrets from their shares. Barkol et al. (Journal of Cryptology, 2010) show that it is possible to construct a d-multiplicative scheme for any adversary structure satisfying the Qd property, in which no d sets cover the whole set of players. In this paper, we focus on multipartite adversary structures and propose efficient multiplicative and verifiably multiplicative secret sharing schemes tailored to them. First, our multiplicative scheme is applicable to any multipartite Qd-adversary structure. If the number of parts is constant, our scheme achieves a share size polynomial in the number n of players while the general construction by Barkol et al. results in exponentially large share size in the worst case. We also propose its variant defined over smaller fields. As a result, for a special class of bipartite adversary structures with two maximal points, it achieves a constant share size for arbitrary n while the share size of the first scheme necessarily incurs a logarithmic factor of n. Secondly, we devise a more efficient scheme for a special class of multipartite ones such that players in each part have the same weight and a set of players belongs to the adversary structure if and only if the sum of their weights is at most a threshold. Thirdly, if the adversary structure is Q{d+1}, our first scheme is shown to be a verifiably multiplicative scheme that detects incorrect outputs with probability 1. For multipartite adversary structures with a constant number of parts, it improves the worst-case share and proof sizes of the only known general construction by Yoshida and Obana (IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2019). Finally, we propose a more efficient verifiably multiplicative scheme by allowing small error probability δ and focusing on a more restricted class of multipartite adversary structures. Our scheme verifies computation of polynomials and can achieve a share size independent of δ while the previous construction only works for monomials and results in a share size involving a factor of log δ^{-1}.

Efficient Noise Generation Protocols for Differentially Private Multiparty Computation,

To bound information leakage in outputs of protocols, it is important to construct secure multiparty computation protocols which output differentially private values perturbed by the addition of noise. However, previous noise generation protocols have round and communication complexity growing with differential privacy budgets, or require parties to locally generate non-uniform noise, which makes it difficult to guarantee differential privacy against active adversaries. We propose three kinds of protocols for generating noise drawn from certain distributions providing differential privacy. The two of them generate noise from finite-range variants of the discrete Laplace distribution. For (ε,δ)-differential privacy, they only need constant numbers of rounds independent of ε, δ while the previous protocol needs the number of rounds depending on δ. The two protocols are incomparable as they make a trade-off between round and communication complexity. Our third protocol non-interactively generate shares of noise from the binomial distribution by predistributing keys for a pseudorandom function. It achieves communication complexity independent of ε or δ for the computational analogue of (ε,δ)-differential privacy while the previous protocols require communication complexity depending on ε. We also prove that our protocols can be extended so that they provide differential privacy in the active setting.

Efficient Construction of a Control Modular Adder on a Carry-Lookahead Adder Using Relative-phase Toffoli Gates

Control modular addition is a core arithmetic function, and we must consider the computational cost for actual quantum computers to realize efficient implementation. To achieve a low computational cost in a control modular adder, we focus on minimizing KQ, defined by the product of the number of qubits and the depth of the circuit. In this paper, we construct an efficient control modular adder with small KQ by using relative-phase Toffoli gates in two major types of quantum computers: Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computers (FTQ) on the Logical layer and Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum Computers (NISQ). We give a more efficient construction compared to Van Meter and Itoh’s, based on a carry-lookahead adder. In FTQ, T gates incur heavy cost due to distillation, which fabricates ancilla for running T gates with high accuracy but consumes a lot of specially prepared ancilla qubits and a lot of time. Thus, we must reduce the number of T gates. We propose a new control modular adder that uses only 20% of the number of T gates of the original. Moreover, when we take distillation into consideration, we find that we minimize KQT (the product of the number of qubits and T-depth) by running (n / log n) T gates simultaneously. In NISQ, CNOT gates are the major error source. We propose a new control modular adder that uses only 35% of the number of CNOT gates of the original. Moreover, we show that the KQCX (the product of the number of qubits and CNOT-depth) of our circuit is 38% of the original. Thus, we realize an efficient control modular adder, improving prospects for the efficient execution of arithmetic in quantum computers.

Extended partial key exposure attacks on RSA: Improvement up to full size decryption exponents

Partial key exposure attacks on RSA have been intensively studied by using lattice-based Coppersmith’s methods. Ernst et al. (Eurocrypt'05) studied the problem by considering three attack scenarios; (1) the most significant bits (MSBs) of a secret exponent d known, (2) the least significant bits (LSBs) of d known, (3) both the MSBs and the LSBs of d known. The proposed attacks were valuable since they were the first results to handle full size exponents e. Takayasu and Kunihiro (SAC'14, Theoretical Computer Science'19) proposed improved attacks for (1) and (2) when d is sufficiently small, i.e., $d<N^{0.5625}$ for (1) and $d<N^{0.368}$ for (2), by utilizing a linearization technique. In this paper, we extend Takayasu-Kunihiro’s attacks and improve Ernst et al.’s attack for (3). In particular, our attack contains Takayasu-Kunihiro’s attacks for (1) and (2) as special cases when the amount of given LSBs and MSBs are zero, respectively. Furthermore, as opposed to Takayasu-Kunihiro’s attacks, our improvement against Ernst et al.’s attack is not limited to small secret exponents such as $d<N^{0.5625}$. Indeed, we are able to improve Ernst et al.’s attack almost up to full size decryption exponents, i.e., even when $d$ is close to $N$. Technically, the extension is not straightforward. We first modify Takayasu-Kunihiro’s lattice basis matrix for (2), so that it is compatible to embed the given MSBs. The modification is crucial for embedding both the MSBs and the LSBs simultaneously to the matrix.

d-Multiplicative Secret Sharing for Multipartite Adversary Structures

Secret sharing schemes are said to be d-multiplicative if the i-th shares of any d secrets s^(j), j∈[d] can be converted into an additive share of the product ∏_{j∈[d]}s^(j). d-Multiplicative secret sharing is a central building block of multiparty computation protocols with minimum number of rounds which are unconditionally secure against possibly non-threshold adversaries. It is known that d-multiplicative secret sharing is possible if and only if no d forbidden subsets covers the set of all the n players or, equivalently, it is private with respect to an adversary structure of type Q_d. However, the only known method to achieve d-multiplicativity for any adversary structure of type Q_d is based on CNF secret sharing schemes, which are not efficient in general in that the information ratios are exponential in n. In this paper, we explicitly construct a d-multiplicative secret sharing scheme for any 𝓁-partite adversary structure of type Q_d whose information ratio is O(n^{𝓁+1}). Our schemes are applicable to the class of all the 𝓁-partite adversary structures, which is much wider than that of the threshold ones. Furthermore, our schemes achieve information ratios which are polynomial in n if 𝓁 is constant and hence are more efficient than CNF schemes. In addition, based on the standard embedding of 𝓁-partite adversary structures into ℝ^𝓁, we introduce a class of 𝓁-partite adversary structures of type Q_d with good geometric properties and show that there exist more efficient d-multiplicative secret sharing schemes for adversary structures in that family than the above general construction. The family of adversary structures is a natural generalization of that of the threshold ones and includes some adversary structures which arise in real-world scenarios.

Worst case short lattice vector enumeration on block reduced bases of arbitrary blocksizes

In ICITS 2015, Walter studied the worst case computational cost to enumerate short lattice vectors on two well-known block reduced bases, i.e., BKZ reduced bases and slide reduced bases. Until then, existing works analyzed only extreme preprocessed bases, e.g., LLL reduced bases that are the weakest ones and quasi-HKZ reduced bases that are the strongest ones; hence, Walter tried to interpolate these results. For this purpose, Walter tried to calculate enumeration cost on block reduced bases of arbitrary blocksizes. The topic should be theoretically interesting since hardness of the lattice problem relates to the security of lattice-based cryptography. In this paper, we revisit the problem with refined analyses. For both BKZ and slide reduced bases, we show that the worst case enumeration costs are smaller than Walter’s analyses. In particular, we show that our results are the best possible ones when we follow Walter’s approach. Furthermore, we extend Walter’s result for slide reduced bases. Since Walter only studied the original slide reduced bases proposed by Gama and Nguyen, he did not analyze arbitrary blocksizes. To extend the analyses to arbitrary blocksizes, we use the generalized slide reduction that was defined by Li and Wei. As a side contribution, we also show that the worst case behaviors of the generalized slide reduced bases are better than Li and Wei’s analyses. We obtain all these results by exploiting better geometric properties of block reduced bases.