論文誌IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineeringに論文が採録されました

論文誌IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineeringに論文が採録されました.[DOI]

  • Title: Shor’s Algorithm Using Efficient Approximate Quantum Fourier Transform
  • Authors: Kento Oonishi and Noboru Kunihiro
  • Abstract: Shor’s algorithm solves the integer factoring and discrete logarithm problems in polynomial time. Therefore, the evaluation of Shor’s algorithm is essential for evaluating the security of currently used public-key cryptosystems because the integer factoring and discrete logarithm problems are crucial for the security of these cryptosystems. In this article, a new approximate quantum Fourier transform is proposed, and it is applied to Rines and Chuang’s implementation. The proposed implementation requires one-third the number of $T$ gates of the original. Moreover, it requires one-fourth of the $T$-depth of the original. Finally, a $T$-scheduling method for running the circuit with the smallest KQ (where K is the number of logical qubits and Q is the circuit depth) is presented.